‘Towards Inclusion Intellectual Disabilities’ has been a leading text book for students and practitioners of intellectual disabilities (term used more internationally for learning disability) and for its new edition Partners for Inclusion’s Pete Richmond was asked to contribute a chapter titled ‘A Home of My Own’.

The PFI Group is very special, there are few organisations that work in such a way, that seeks reference in everything we do by the difference it makes in the life of the people we support. One of our aims is to share our learning with people we support and their loved ones as widely as we can.

This was recognised when Pete our outgoing CEO was asked to contribute to this book which is published around the world.

Press Release

It emphasizes the strengths rather than deficits of people with intellectual disabilities, highlights the crucial role of family and friends, and places individuals firmly at the heart of everything that impacts them. Alice Squire from ARC Scotland and Pete Richmond from Partners for Inclusion have co-authored ‘A Home of My Own’, a chapter in the publication, which focuses on how professionals can apply a human rights-based approach to helping people with intellectual disabilities achieve a home of their own. This will be of particular interest to those concerned with issues such as out-of-area placements and delayed discharge, including in Scotland, those considering the Coming Home Implementation report.

Pete Richmond said: “After attending the international  ISSID Conference in Glasgow in 2019 it was clear to us that the development of support for Human Rights of people with Learning disabilities across the globe could be supported by some of the learning in our respective organisations and more broadly from Scotland”.

‘A Home of My Own’ focuses on 6 themes:
• Rights
• Non-institutionalised settings
• Being part of community
• Independent living
• Person centred approaches
• Positive relationships

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