The Partners for Inclusion Group recognise that training and support for staff is essential. Each member of staff needs the correct tools to be the best they can be in their role.

During your first 2-3 weeks, the organisation will provide you with the training required for your role. This will help you to support the person you work for safely, while ensuring that you meet the requirements of current Laws and Legislation.

Your Training Program – Induction

Your individual Training Program provides the general knowledge and understanding of what is required in your role. Our Training is provided by people who “walk the walk” as well as “talking the talk”. All of our in-house trainers have real experience of providing support.

The people we support and work for are individual. They have unique gifts and strengths just like you. What they need from their teams will be different for each person.

Your Training doesn’t stop once induction is finished. The expectation is for you to continually develop both personally and professionally.

Shadow Shifts and Probationary Period

When you join your team and begin your shadow shifts, you will be working alongside and be learning from an experienced team member. Shadow Shifts are where you will find out what the person’s preferences, needs and wishes are and, how they want to be supported. Shadow shifts will also provide the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. During your 6 month probationary period you will be encouraged to reflect on the Induction training you’ve experienced, and, how this training fits with how the person prefers to be supported. During this period, through meetings with colleagues, and your line manager, via mixture of discussions and constructive feedback, you will be supported to identify any additional support needs you may have. Support will be ongoing from colleagues, who will encourage you to develop your skills. Support work is a journey and we never stop learning.

The person you work for will always be your best teacher. They will let you know whether or not you are getting things right. You will learn so much from the person and develop an understanding of what they require from you. Like life nothing stays static, including your role. It’s important to recognise and understand that support needs may change. Your team and the organisation will provide on going training and support.